Exploring at home or around the world.
In a world so full of wonder, why stay insulated in man-made structures?
When I get outside and explore the natural beauty, whether it is a walk in the park or an expedition, the first of its kind, some fresh air always improves my day.

I aim to minimize the equipment I bring into the backcountry to the essentials, with a little bit of comfort where it counts.
Summer has pretty much wrapped up at this point, I think that realization hit me right about the same time I took an ice-cold wave to the face kayaking this afternoon, but it also could have been the 35-degree gust that dried me off shortly after. The consequence of that realization set in on the drive home from the river, when I stopped thinking about the lines I wanted to run and the feel of the boat underneath me.
I will probably never use any of my kayaks to harpoon anything. Still, I think it is ok for relics of the past to continue to evolve while still respecting the cultural history. Apply these thoughts to life, politics, or social justice any way you choose, however, I am hopeful readers will be inspired to bring together a more diverse paddling community while respecting the past. At the end of the day, I paddle kayaks, but I hope to honor the legacy of the qajaq and the culture it came from every time I do.
Today is Earth day! It is not one of the more popular holidays. We do not get the day off or the send specialty gift cards, but It has become a meaningful day for me. I use it as a chance to reflect back on some of the striking moments I spent outside in the last year and my relationship with nature.
Coming home from an expedition or really any extended trip is always bittersweet, but the hardest things for me are all of the changes while I am gone. This is a feeling I am calling a time warp.
Expedition Planning- Drifting on Edge: This Journal article dives into the lessons I have learned from expedition planning, and how my values play help to define a successful backcountry trip in a kayak or hiking.
This is an essay about the coastline paradox and how it applies to our perception of time in the outside.
This post describes the purpose of the journal section of this website, and what you can expect to find.
If I want to make a change in my life, it seems like I should try to start right away. I also know significant changes are way harder; I start strong and burn out fast. Even though I don't like New Year's resolutions, I always seem to have some.